Cradle of Moses
Hello friends, today I will talk about a very beautiful plant: the Cradle of Moses.
Cradle of Moses
Its scientific name is Spathiphyllum wallisii, but popularly it is known by several names like Cradle of Moses, Espatifilo, Lily of the peace, Sail of the wind and White flag.

Origin of the Cradle of Moses
This plant is native to the rainforests of Central and South America, tropical America, Malaysia and the western Pacific. There are 36 types of Spathiphyllum in the world and only 3 are found in the Old World. Most types of Spathiphyllum are neotropical plants. They are found from Mexico to Brazil and in most of the Caribbean islands. The 3 types that are outside the American continent, are concentrated mainly in the border between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific as in the Philippines, Palau, the Solomon Islands, etc.
Characteristics of the Cradle of Moses
It is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the Araceae family. They are perennial herbaceous plants with large leaves 12-65 cm long and 3.25 cm wide. The flower is actually a leaf that wraps the seeds in the form of a blanket.
They are long-lived plants, usually found around streams and rivers, with a very short root. The leaves grow directly from the root. They have an oval shape, sometimes sharpening the tip like the tip of a spear.

The size of this plant varies from the smallest (for example the variety “Chopin” which is the smallest that exists) to other much larger (as tropical that is). It is classified among the most purifying plants in the air, which makes it ideal to keep it in your home. This plant does not need a lot of light or water to survive.
How to care for a Moses Cradle
The Cradle of Moses is a plant that grows and thrives in temperatures above 18 ° C, the ideal temperature would be 21 ° C to 24 ° C. In other words, it must remain in a cool place. You should not have it exposed to drafts. It should have good lighting, although it should be kept away from direct sunlight, as it can burn the leaves. The soil should remain moist and the leaves should be cleaned frequently so you can perform photosynthesis well. The ideal pot for planting is the one that comes in the form of cone or paila.
Pots for plants
It should be paid with a little ecological fertilizer every 20 days during flowering. The rest of the time once a month.

During each spring the Cradle of Moses reproduces through the division of the plant, therefore it must be moved to a larger container, always after its flowering. It is also advisable to add new soil with some natural charcoal, dry leaves and sand. It must also be transplanted every year because its fibrous roots cause the block of soil to harden where it is planted and the water at risk does not penetrate well.
Pests that affect it
It can be susceptible to pests such as the red spider, the aphid, the whitefly and the mites. To learn more about these pests and learn how to eliminate them, be sure to see our article. Here!!!
As you can see with the right care we can grow this beautiful plant in our home. You dare? I hope so, so that you have it a little closer to the heart. ?
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