Legend of the Cornflower
Cornflower is a plant native to Asia and Europe that grew wild in wheat fields.…

The Rose of Jericho: origin, its characteristics and care
Although its name may confuse us, the Rose of Jericho is a fern from the…

Legend of the Rose of Jericho
The rose of Jericho is also known as the "flower of the Resurrection", since it…

Legend of the Plumeria (May flower)
Frangipani, Plumeria, sacuanjoche… This plant is known by various names. Due to its exquisite fragrance…

Legend of Iris: The flower that mythology and history magnify
The Iris flower comes from the iridaceae family, its scientific name is Iris germanica, a…

Dendrophylax lindenii, an exotic endangered orchid
Dendrophylax lindenii, also known as the ghost orchid, is a species of orchid found in…

Sunflower Legends
The sunflower is one of the flowers that transmits the most joy and light to…

Legend of Adonis
Adonis is a genus of terrestrial plants that contains more than 40 species in the…

Legend of the air carnation
Tillandsia aeranthos, commonly called air carnation or aerial carnation, belongs to the Tillandsia genus, of…

Legend of the ceibo flower
The Coral Tree can be found distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the…

Legend of Edelweiss
The Edelweiss, better known as snow flower, is a plant of the Asteraceae family. It…

Legend of the poinsettia
The poinsettia is a beautiful plant that blooms precisely at this time of the year…

Legends about the origin of flowers
Hello friends, in previous articles about flowers we have told some of their legends and…

Dutch Pipe: a beautiful climbing plant for you
Hello friends, today I am accommodating requests. Some time ago one of the followers of…

Cleistocactus colademononis or monkey tail, a beautiful cactus for you
Hello everyone, today we will talk about a very unique hanging plant, with beautiful flowers,…

Indoor plants: the best options to decorate your home
We are always looking for plants to decorate the interior of our home, but sometimes…

The tuberose: its characteristics, care, uses and pests and diseases that affect it
Hello friends, today we will talk about one of my favorite flowers, I love its…

Calendula: its characteristics, care and medicinal properties
The scientific name for Calendula is Calendula officinalis and it belongs to the Compositae family.…

Arnica: characteristics, cultivation and its medicinal properties
The Arnica or Arnica mountain, also called sneezer or mountain tobacco, is a lively herbaceous…

The Cornflower: characteristics, care and uses
Cornflower is a plant native to Asia and Europe that grew wild in wheat fields;…

The Flower Pincushion: its origin, characteristics and care
Hello friends, all flowers have their characteristic and special color and shape, but today's flower…

Nocturnal Phlox: Characteristics, care and reproduction
Hello, the star flower of this article, we discovered it in the article of Nocturnal…

The baobab flower: a centennial and majestic tree
Hello friends, today we will talk about a very peculiar flower, it is the Baobab…

Japanese Wisterias: beautiful and elegant flowers to design your garden
Hello friends, today I bring you a plant with which we have managed to recreate…