Floresdelcorazon.com arises to share information on planting, care, characteristics and different types of flowers that exist in the world.
At present according to some botanists there are more than 10 000 types of flowers. They can be classified according to some of their characteristics or by families. It is almost impossible to list all the varieties of flowers that exist, here I leave some of the best known.
Types of flowers
At present according to some botanists there are more than 10 000 types of flowers. They can be classified according to some of their characteristics or by families. It is almost impossible to list all the varieties of flowers that exist, here I leave some of the best known.
Distribution by regions
The flowers according to their characteristics have originated in certain regions of the planet. At present some of them have spread around the world with the efforts of their growers, who recreate their natural habitat.
Flowers in Antarctica
Although it seems incredible, nature did not leave flowers without a place with such extreme conditions. Although 99% of the Antarctic continent is permanently covered by snow or ice, plants grow on the 1% of unfrozen surface.
Tropical flowers
Tropical flowers are those that grow in tropical and subtropical climates, in regions near the equator, where they have the necessary warmth and humidity throughout the year. It is possible to grow them in other regions, provided they have the necessary atmospheric conditions.
Desert flowers
The desert is home to many plants, trees and flowers that have adapted perfectly to this climate. Here I leave only some of them.
National Flowers
Each country has its national symbols that represent them, such as the shield, the flag and the anthem. In addition to these symbols have trees and flowers that identify them. The flowers that represent a country are called national flowers. If you want to know which is the national flower of your country or of any other, visit our Category of National Flowers, here you can find it and know a little more about this flower.
Classification by colors
Although these flowers are not very common, there are different varieties of plants in America, Europe and Asia that produce different types of blue.
Usually we are used to see the green color in the leaves of our plants, however there are also flowers of this color. Learn more about them here.
When you decide to have your favorite plants at home
If you want to grow your favorite flowers at home you must first learn how to take care of them, and choose the place where you place them inside the house or in the garden, the conditions that the land must have, how and when to apply fertilizers and how to eliminate them. pests and diseases that affect them. Also, if you plant them in pots, you should choose them taking into account the characteristics of the types of flowers you want.
Most important pests and diseases of plants
One of the main problems we have in our garden is when the plants get sick or have a plague. Then I leave some articles so they can identify what plague has each of their plants, and learn how to eliminate them quickly and easily.
- Acer granatense: a beautiful tree in danger of extinction
- Arnica: characteristics, cultivation and its medicinal properties
- Biarum dispar: a flower in danger of extinction
- Black rose of Halfeti: an exotic and beautiful Turkish flower
- Calendula: its characteristics, care and medicinal properties
- Cleistocactus colademononis or monkey tail, a beautiful cactus for you
- Coral tree: characteristics and care of the national flower of Argentina and Uruguay
- Cradle of Moses
- Crown of Christ: an exotic flower. Origin, characteristics and care
- Dahlia, National Flower of Mexico
- Dendrophylax lindenii, an exotic endangered orchid
- Dutch Pipe: a beautiful climbing plant for you
- Flowers in Antarctica: Antarctic grass and Antarctic carnation
- Frangipani, a beautiful and exotic flower with an exquisite aroma
- Hydrangeas: characteristics, care and meaning.
- Indoor plants: the best options to decorate your home
- Japanese Wisterias: beautiful and elegant flowers to design your garden
- Legend of Adonis
- Legend of Edelweiss
- Legend of the air carnation
- Legend of the Plumeria (May flower)
- Legend of the poinsettia
- Legend of the Rose of Jericho
- Legends about the origin of flowers
- Lilies: types, characteristics and fundamental uses
- Night flowers: simple, beautiful and aromatic flowers for your garden
- Nocturnal Phlox: Characteristics, care and reproduction
- Petunias: characteristics, varieties and forms of cultivation
- Sunflower Legends
- Sunflowers: symbol of joy and prosperity. National Flower of Ukraine
- The ancient rosebushes
- The baobab flower: a centennial and majestic tree
- The bat flower: one of the rarest orchids on the planet. Characteristics and care
- The Bird of Paradise: an exotic and beautiful flower. Characteristics, care and reproduction
- The bonsai: their origin, types, care and meaning
- The bridal bouquets
- The butterfly, National Flower of Cuba
- The cactus and succulents: origin, characteristics and care. The main types of cactus.
- The Cornflower: characteristics, care and uses
- The daisy, delicate and pure. National flower of Italy.
- The ferns, characteristics and how to grow them
- The Flower Pincushion: its origin, characteristics and care
- The Imperial crown: an exotic, majestic and elegant flower
- The largest flowers in the world: Amorphophallus titanum and Rafflesia
- The official flower of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: The Olympic Dahlia
- The orchids
- The petunia black cat : a beautiful variety of this beautiful flower
- The Rose of Jericho: origin, its characteristics and care
- The roses: beautiful and aromatic flowers that embellish our garden
- The tuberose: its characteristics, care, uses and pests and diseases that affect it
- Tulips: one of the best-selling flowers in 2018
- Wild roses (banksiae, canina and centifolia)
- Wild Roses (Eglenteria, gallica and pimpinellifolia)
- Types of pests: butterfly caterpillars, black donut, soil worms, leafminers and green midge
- Types of pests: Cochineals, aphids, whitefly, trips and red spider
- Types of pests: nematodes, scorpion onions, moles, rats and rabbits
- Types of pests: snails, ants, grasshoppers, cetonia and insect bugs