Legend of Añañuca
The Añañuca is a typical flower from the north of Chile, which grows specifically between Copiapó and the Quilimarí valley, in the Coquimbo region. Few know that its name comes from a sad love story, the legend of Añañuca.
The scientific name of the Añañuca is Rhodophiala rhodolirion. It is a botanical species of perennial herbaceous plant, geophyte, bulbous, endemic to Chile and Argentina, on both sides of the Andes mountain range. Its flowers are beautiful, in pink or white. They are currently in danger of extinction due to habitat loss. Below we will tell you the legend of the origin of this flower.

Legend of Añañuca
Legend has it that in times prior to Independence, the Añañuca was a young flower of flesh and blood that lived in a northern town. One day, a miner who was looking for the mine that would bring him fortune, stopped in the town and met the young woman. They both fell in love with her and the handsome miner decided to relegate her plans and stay with her. They were very happy, until one night, the miner had a dream that revealed to him the place where the mine that he had searched for so long was located. The next day in the morning he made the decision: he would leave in search of the mine.

The desolate young woman waited and waited, but the miner never came. It is said of him that she was swallowed by the mirage of the pampa. The beautiful young woman, product of great sorrow, died and was buried on a rainy day in the middle of the valley. The next day the sun came out and the valley was covered with red flowers that received the name of unhappy woman.
Love stories in the origin of flowers always end sad, but they are still beautiful. If you liked it, help us and share it on social networks.
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